Thursday, January 7, 2010

dilip chitre

the poet with longest biodata
this is one of many anecdotes about deelip chitre ‘one of his relatives meghanad kulkarni was trying hand at several thngs painting scritpting story writing day deelip told him ‘look meghnad dont do so many things at atime.concetrate on something ,one topic and do that.coming this from dipu(as people used to call him)it was very strange.meghnad asked him ‘but dipu you do many things at time"deelip said’yes,but my case is differant.’
among these 'many things's dipu chitre wrote scripts ,plays. directed movie (and won national award for that ‘godaam’) ,he translated poems from marathi to ienglish and vice versa.he taught lituratere in ethiopia nad usa.,he wrote stores,travelogue(shibaranichy shodhat),he was a painer and singer(too).he got scgolarship to interpret 700 old poetic work ‘amritanubhaw’by saint dnyaneshwar.he edited little magazine and wrote advt,copies.
being contemporary of poets like aruun kolatkar and bhalachandra nemade and ashok shahane,namdeo dhasal thre major figures whowho were part of marathi literary scene,he had different task too..that of putting gratness of kolatkar dhasal in perspective.and also doing ‘mastaraki"teching and explaining modernity to common marathi reader who was alien to world greats.40 years ago he wrote series in marathi about rimbaud,mallarme,rilke,neruda,octovio paz,wallace stevens,hopkins etc.he translated their poems too.his translation of sunstone made impact on one generation of potets.but it took almost 40 years to appear these essys in book form.he calls wallace stevens angel in the lift as he was poet from corporate world.he translated ceasr vallejo’s poetry collection ,tukaram his writing about tukaram and dnyaneshwar he keep saying that world do not knoe these poets inspite of being ‘waishvik’.while writing about dnyaneshwar he say’s dnyaneshwar’s work has similerities in shakta lituraure.while writing about tukaram he keep telling usabout his ‘alienation’.
he wrote script of ‘godam’ and’ vijeta’.and I think it is the only movie which describe myastical expirince in the life of common man.hero is almost dying in the desert and he gets vision which make him comeback to life.his copies for sewer swish blade were in script like form.
billingual poets like him and kolatkar are influnced by world poetry and prose and they have firsthand knowledge ofindian language.indian tradition fom sanskrit to middleage liturature deascribe god .and god is sublime so naturally thisis the wasy to take reader to sublime where as wetrn tradition describe ordinary,everyday thingssometimes in too realistic ways.secondly marathi poem has tradition of chhand and alankaar like anupras but poetry seldom use for marathi poet this cadance ins new discovery(thogh writer in marathi use sound of words).in earlier poems and later too this use of cadance and influnce (esp that of pablo neruda) is quite evidant.but thisuse of sound (and love of music) made him unique writer .his stories in chaturang proves his essay about indian music he says’maharashrian singers are follwing one main line tradition of northern music.(in essay collection named ‘chaawi’ ) though he was a prolific writer most of his work is not available.his story collection,his travalogue"shibaranichya shodhat’ in that book he tells about clairvonce expieirinnce.he used to play jugar every day and used to win almost everyday.his plays.the fact that collection of his writing about poetry took 35 years to get printed(someone was writing preface and script was with him for 30 years)tell something about this inertia.he wrote about almost anything.he wrote a paper about urban planning under the title ‘city is not a machine’
chitre did painting 2 shows in mumbai one in gallery solo, and another in pundole.his painting has this 60s jj school of art quality and in vibrant world of today’s they almost unnoticed.thoghh attneded by all important critics in the city noone wrote about it. writers who made sixties in marathi world possible were separated by time and egos.nemade become staunch nativist.and chitere became 2000 he wrote column in ‘sakal’shatakancha sandhikal and in one passage he gives list of american poets and says’all these poets are my friends’.this exhaggration and smartnesswas also chitre’s his long interview in ‘samakalin sanskriti ‘diwali issue he coments almost on everything.and there is too much narcisism.he tells us how his painting was hanged in some western corprote establishment.there is brilliant portraits of people from sixties in nemade’s novel ‘bidhar’.ashok shahane becomes shankar and there is beer sipping edvertisement guy.that is chite .his biodata is 9 pages long in his recent potry collection.’as is it is’ .his death adds one more line to it.
trevelling in a a cage
in the dark smell of cooking meat
blindly i lick you with the tongues
of plasure and the fingures of fear
in my memory you are treasise on light ,
written in braille
we rocked in the aftrnoon' empty craddle
swinging across the night
'O' my unbeliving lover 'you said
sky has opened in my blood;
now i find that love has taught me nothing
i am unable to escape myself
my senses are beasts without the forest
my soul is bird without the sky